Monday 22 September 2014

Roger Rabbit Drawing

I've always drawn with a very cartoony style so here's one of the better drawings i've done, if you're wondering what character it is, its Roger Rabbit. The picture was dedicated to the memory of Bob Hoskins (1942-2014) who starred in the film 'Who framed Roger Rabbit'

Third attempt at realistic drawing

This was another drawing i did of Chloe Grace Moretz during the summer, i touched it up a little in photoshop to try and make it clearer, obviously i'm no pro yet at photoshop so you can probably see where i've edited it.
This is the original photo i copied from

Second Attempt at realistic drawing

Jack sparrow drawing i did during the summer holidays, (second attempt at realistic drawing) I like how it turned out but wish i had put more time and effort into the hair and made it more detailed!

First attempt at realistic drawing

This was my first attempt at a realistic drawing which i did about half way through the summer holidays, it is of Chloe Grace Moretz a favourite actress of mine
This was the Original picture i attempted drawing

First Illustrator creation

 Just finished a quick tutorial on Illustrator, seems alright for first use of the software, looking forward for more creations on it!

Sunday 21 September 2014


Just got Adobes student pack for my mac, looking forward to using it in the future. Means I can finally start making progress towards my career hopefully as an illustrator. 
As of now I'm officialy a beginner in the world of illustration, so using this blog I'm going to post my progress as I create and learn new things! 

As well as my Adobe works, I will begin to upload my free hand drawings so you can see my improvement in that.